Want to see me, the author, in action either in the DM's or player's chair? Check Chromatic Chimera, a DnD actualplay stream I host!

Want to read about some Dungeons and Dragons goodness, but don't know where to start? Check out the RPG Glossary!

Want to see me, the author, in action either in the DM's or player's chair? Check Chromatic Chimera, a DnD actualplay stream I host!
A place to show off cool stuff either by myself or others for you to snag for your games or to be inspried by.
Kobold Stew is ad blog a officially affiliate with the Chromatic Chimera community! Author, me, and good friend Touch of Tiefling, host a Twitch channel devoted to 5E Dungeons and Dragons games with 2 regular adventures taking place!
I play in Agora's Bells, and DM SteamSpell, which takes place in my homebrew setting, Evaryn, detailed here on Kobold Stew!
Need more DnD podcasts, but looking for something that isn't actual play? In Stats Will Roll, Puddins, author of Kobold Stew, and Abigail team up in a 5E character creation experiment where they make a randomly generated character with the mechanics and fluff to boot!