"Kobold Stew" is a site, but primarily a blog, dedicated to discussion and dialogue about the classic table top role playing game Dungeons and Dragons. Here we will primarily focus on the latest edition of the game, 5th Edition, but we may occasionally discuss older editions or other rulesets. We will cover topics of all kinds from playing the game, mechanics, character builds, lore, world building, genre, and other aspects of the hobby. We also plan to do reviews of products here. I apologize for the minimal content as I am just getting this thing off the ground. Please stick around, read, comment, and enjoy!

Mr. Puddins
My real name is Alex. I have been playing RPGs, specifically Dungeons and Dragons for a long time. Originally starting in 2nd ADnD, I have played from 3, 3.5, 4E and 5E. I also have some experience playing Dark Heresy and Warhammer Fantasy RPG. I am usually the GM in my groups bringing with me my love of lore, deep characters, and world building.
Outside of DnD, I enjoy playing Magic the Gathering, Warhammer 40k, and plenty of video games. I also fish, play various board games, read about history, keep aquariums, and play guitar.
Follow me on twitter @Mr_Puddins for updates when we post or add content until we get a subscription emailing system set up or to just chat with me. Thanks for your patience!
Myself and a good friend, @TouchofTiefling, have began to stream our own games. As a co-host of Chromatic Chimera, I DM the SteamSpell campaign which takes place in my homebrew world of Evaryn, which is detailed out here on Kobold Stew!
I also have the role of player in our Agora's Bells campaign. Come check us out @ChromatiChimera on twitter and come watch us play on our Twitch channel.