Chef's Choice
Welcome to the Kobold Stew Chef's Choice. Here we have featured friends and fellow content creators that we wish to show off here and hope you go and check out. Enjoy!
Tales of
An actual play podcast for DnD, Swordfall is a pretty cool thing! Sessions are recorded, edited, streamed once in awhile, and all for your listening pleasure! They pride themselves on being LGBTQA+ friendly.
Paul and the Tales of Swordfall crew were the ones to give me a really awesome jump-start into the greater DnD community, and I will forever be grateful for the experience I had playing on their show.
Twitter: @SwordfallDnD
Youtube: Tales of Swordfall

A blog about all things in DnD and RPGs. Finlam Elman, the author and creator of Purple Lizardman is a chill dude who's conversations I've had with him have inspired one a many great blog posts for each other. You can follow him on Twitter: @FinlamElman . His knowledge of the game, playing it, and ideas are all great and there is plenty of content to keep you busy!

Three-Eyed Fox
Also known as @whimsicaldumpin to the Twitter world, he was one of the first people I that really helped me to pave my way into the DnD community on Twitter despite joining the party very very late. He writes a blog called Behind the DM Screen as Three-Eyed Fox. He has great ideas! A very nice individual who whenever I have a conversation with, I always feel like it was a fulfilling and a good one. Give him a follow!

A group of wonderful people that provide an amazing actual play experience through their podcast. Listening to them feels like I am back to playing Dungeons and Dragons in the garage at my buddies house. On top of a top quality production, Murder Dice's community is a wonderful group of people to interact with as we have a good time joking around.
You can follow David, the sort of ambassador to Twitter for Murder Dice,
@MurderDice here. You can also check out their website here: Their podcast can be downloaded from any major podcast providers such as iTunes and the likes. Do check em out!