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Evaryn: The Gods, Pantheons, and Religions of Evaryn

Writer's picture: MrPuddinsMrPuddins

Well, I recently released the lore for the player races, which has seen a lot of positive feed back. (THANK YOU SO MUCH!) So, I have written up and compiled the lore of the pantheons and various gods of Evaryn. And here it is for you enjoyment!


First, let's explain kind of how the gods in this setting work because I realize it may be confusing. Many of the inhabitants of Evaryn are aware of the presence of gods and higher beings from beyond. Different races have their own pantheon that they worship, but they often will accept the divinity of the other gods that other people worship.

An entity known as the Astral Star is considered the overarching deity of everything and is thought to have given birth to the universe. All races pay it homage or recognize it, but many prefer to worship their respective pantheons. Some religions will deny the divinity or importance of other gods, but it is a matter of theological theories. Without any further ado, the various pantheons.


The Astral Star

Arguably the oldest religion in the realm, the Astral Star sees followers throughout all corners of Evaryn. Existence, life, and everything comes from the ever-shining Astral Star. It was in the great void that the Astral Star came to be and underwent the Great Nova to create the everything there is, and from there, the realm of Evaryn was created. Tenants of the faith hold that every creatures' soul are all pieces of the Astral Star.

The Astral Star is a genderless being, but rather is the Oversoul of the realms. Many practitioners accept the existence and divinity of the other gods seeing them as existing due to being created by the Astral Star. Even if other races do not worship the Astral Star, they cannot deny the presence and influence that the cosmos have on the realm.

The stars of the night sky are all thought to be pieces of the Astral Star’s great soul, and due to this, their followers believe that worthy souls shall join their god in the night sky and the constellations upon death. This has caused some forms of ancestor worship, clerics of the Astral Star teach that these grand souls help guide the kith of the realm toward the Astral Star’s light.

Due to the nature of their faith, worshipers of the Astral Star only ever practice their rituals during the night, and when there is a clear sky. Practitioners are expected to attend a ceremony once every month in one of the Astral Star’s open roofed temples. These temples are often home to great observatories as the Astral Star’s followers are great astronomers, charting the stars and their movements. Many laypeople may refer to worshipers of the Astral Star as ‘Star Gazers,’ and some people see this as an endearing term while others are insulted by it.

Stargazers, as some refer to them as, believe their god comes in 13 “aspects” represented in constellations in the night sky, and each of these signs represents a different facet of the Astral Star. They also believe that being born under the showing of different signs may affect a person’s life and that destiny can be written and read in the night sky.

The ‘aspects’ of the Astral Star as constellations are:

1. The Maiden: The loving aspect of the Astral Star. This aspect focuses on love, and weddings amongst practitioners tend to fall while the Maiden is showing. It also is a symbol of the Astral Star being the first and last thing in the universe.

2. The Twins: A sign of kinship and bonds, the twins showing is another popular wedding month for followers of the Astral Star. This also represents the belief that one day an individual will join the Astral Star in the great empire of the night sky as all are kin and bonded to the Astral Star, as the twins are equals.

3. The Cat: A sign that represents the more cunning aspects of the Astral Star but also representing the night. The cat also represents ones will of discovery and curiosity to experience creation.

4. The Hunter: This sign represents the cycle of nature that the Astral Star created, and it also shows how Kith are to take dominion over nature, granted by the Astral Star.

5. The Horned One: This sign represents the wisdom that can be found through devotion to the Astral Star. In old stories, sages were people born with horns and the Mordyre of Maywikt is the only known Horned One.

6. The Warrior: This sign represents the strength and valor found through the Astral Star. This sign also represents the Astral Star's will to defend the people of the world.

7. The Mother: Represents the more nurturing side of the Astral Star, and also serves as a reminder that the Astral Star is what gave birth to the world and all those in it.

8. The Smith: Represents the Astral Star as a creator, and as the one who forges fate for everyone.

9. The Elemental: Represents the Astral Star's command over the elements and how It created them and used them to forge the world.

10. The Lone Tower: Represents that despite everyone being a part of the Astral Star and eventually joining It in the empire of the night sky, they are still individuals to make their own choices, in contradiction of the Astral Star forging a fate for all.

11. The Eye: Represents the Astral Star’s omniscience and how It can see all that goes on in the universe.

12. The Wolf: Represents the Astral Star's unbending will, and it is mortals that follow It not the other way around. The Astral Star is the alpha wolf while mortals are members of Its pack.

13. The Dragon: A rare sign to show in the night sky, and only shows every so often, but this one serves to remind people of the Astral Star’s true glory and radiance. It is said that when it shows, a great event is going to take place in the world.


The 13 Realms, the Human Pantheon

According to some religious teachings, there are thirteen realms, including Evaryn, in what is referred to as the multiverse. It is within these realms that those who practice the 13 Realms believe that the gods reside within the first ten realms. The Eleventh Realm is believed to be home to the Soul Forge and the Soul Well, the Twelfth Realm is reserved for the Hells, and the Thirteenth Realm is the realm of mortals and where Evaryn is located.

Scholars of the Thirteen Realms also hold that the planes of the Feywild, Shadowfell, Ethereal Plane, and the Astral Plane are transitive planes, and that they can be used to traverse to the other realms. The Thirteen Realm worshipers hold that there is a cycle of birth and death that all souls move through to one of the Thirteen Realms upon death. Souls enter the Soul Well where they are judged by Aor and are sent to their respective place to be reborn and continue a cycle until they can become a ‘petitioner’ to one of the gods, where the join them as a member of their host. Each realm has a petitioner associated with it, and therefore, and these hosts serve their resident gods.

Aor will determine where a soul shall reside after a lifetime, and then that soul shall reside in another realm for what is considered a “lifetime,” even if it means being a petitioner within a realm of a god. A soul may stay in a less 'celestial' realm such as Khazav or Gehenna, but after becoming worthy, it may be judged by Aor again to be sent back on the Wheel.

The Thirteen Realms is a religion commonly worshiped by Humans and is seen as their pantheon. Some scholars theorize Humankind came to learn of these gods from the texts of the star-born Aedellions who came to Evaryn long ago. When it comes to interacting with the gods of other pantheons, the Thirteen Realms hold that gods such as Moradin or the Sel’ Adrin reside within one of the other Realms. The gods oversee various domains like any other pantheon, and some Realms see more than one god residing within it.

Followers of the 13 Realms accept the divinity of all the gods, and even the gods such as Urboch that oversee a domain that seems ‘negative,’ but they are a part of the natural order of the cosmos, and some pray fealty to them to either protect against their domain or to take advantage of it. There is no set day of worship or ritual, but rather, practitioners are expected to pray and visit temples to the god they wish to pray to on their own.

The Gods of the 13 Realms are: (Recommended Cleric Domain, Paladin Oath)

Kierbeth – Goddess of redemption, mercy, healing, and hope often depicted as a divine, angelic woman. Resides in Celestia. (Life Domain, Oath of Redemption)

Kierbeth is considered a favorite god for many within the 13 Realms Pantheon.

Kovar God of light, the sun, and guardian of mortals. Often depicted as a genderless being of pure radiance. Resides in Celestia. (Light Domain, Oath of Devotion)

Marlfax God of the hunt in all of its forms and perseverance. Often depicted as a deer skulled humanoid. Resides in the Beastlands (Nature Domain, Oath of the Ancients)

Okku – God of beasts, nature, and courage. Often depicted as a spirit bear. Shifters may look to Okku as a patron as they feel they share some kinship with him. Resides in the Beastlands. (Nature Domain, Oath of the Ancients)

Lorrid Goddess of good fortune, wealth, and mischief. Often depicted as a small, celestial woman. Resides in Arcadium. (Trickery Domain, Oath of Devotion)

Ghuul – God of death, justice, and cycles. Often depicted as a skull faced wanderer or a pallid knight. Resides in Khazav. (Grave Domain, Oath of Vengeance)

Goerwyr God of the sky, storms, and war. Often depicted as a winged warrior with spears made of lightning. Resides in Vaargard. (Tempest or War Domain, Oath of Conquest)

Attarikyr – God of the forge, earth, and industry. Often depicted as a metallic golem/man. Resides in Vaargard. War-forged often look to him as a sort of patron. Resides in Vaargard. (Forge Domain, Oath of Redemption)

Selenae – Goddess of the moon, the night, magic, and discovery. Often depicted as a pale woman with large, soft, green wings. Resides in Arcadium. (Arcana or Knowledge Domain, Oath of the Ancients)

Laurn – Goddess of art in all of its forms, revelry, and language. Often depicted as an angelic artist with a chalice of wine. Resides in Olympia. (Forge, Trickery, or Knowledge Domain, Oath of Devotion)

Phoonzang God of knowledge and wisdom. Often depicted as an old scholar. Resides in Olympia. (Knowledge Domain, Oath of Devotion)

Azrael gives solace to mortals who have had justice fail them. He brings them vengance served up on a flaming, hot sword

Azrael – God of vengeance and fire. Often depicted as hooded warrior brandishing a burning sword. Resides in Divor. (War Domain, Oath of Vengeance)

Verthae – Goddess of rebellion, plots, and darkness. Often depicted as a withering, shrouded figure. Resides in Divor. (War or Trickery Domain, Oath of Conquest or Vengeance)

Urboch – God of sickness, famine, winter, and bad luck. Often depicted as a winter beast. Resides in Gehenna. (Grave Domain, Oath of Conquest)

Faze – God of dreams, prophecy, and secrets. Often depicted as an astral dragon. Resides in the Dreamtime. One of the few gods to see cross worship between pantheons. (Knowledge, Forge, or Light Domain, Oath of the Ancients)

Gwynlia – Goddess of bonds and love. Often depicted as a beautiful angel Resides in Bytopia. (Light, Life, or Order Domain, Oath of Devotion)

Havana – Goddess of life, fertility, and rain. Often depicted as a kindly, humble woman within a rain cloud. Resides in Bytopia. (Life or Tempest Domain, Oath of Devotion)

Aor, the forger and judge of souls.

Aor – God of souls and judgement. Often depicted as an ethereal smith or seamstress. Resides in the Soul Well. (Forge, Life, Order, or Tempest Domain, Any Oath)

The Warden of the Damned – God of punishment and warden of the Hells. Often depicted as a faceless prison warden. Resides within the Hells. (Order or War Domain, Oath of Vengeance)

The Thirteen Realms are:

Celestia, the First Realm

Celestia is considered one of the holiest of lands. Here, great ivory mountains stretch into the radiant sky, and angels, the realms petitioners, dance about in the sky and bask in the shining splendor of Celestia. Celesita’s focal point is a great mount where the goddess Keirbeth reside, and Kovar hangs above it, acting as the sun of this world.

The Beastlands, the Second Realm

The Beastlands are a place of unending and unchecked wilderness. The only semblance of civilization in this land are the camps of The Wild Hunt, the petitioners with this place. It is thought this is where the souls of beasts go upon death. Here resides Marlfax, and Okku who are often at odds with each other. One hunts the beasts perpetually while the other tries to protect the Yokai (spirits of beasts. What a petitioner would be for the souls of an animal or monster).

Khazav, the Third Realm

A barren and empty place of void and stone, Kazav is where order is upheld from the great clock tower surrounded by gravestones. It is also said that the most important thing of a soul’s lifetime is buried within one of the tended graves, and it is thought the memories of souls past can be unearthed here. This is the land of the dead, where those souls who need to serve a sentence wait to be sent to another realm. Here resides Ghuul who watches over his petitioners, the Shades.

Vaargard, the Fourth Realm

Vaargard is the land of heroes. Great warriors, the Aesir, live within the snowy lands and here they feast within the Harrenhall where they await to be sent out by Goerwyr to do battle with the enemies of the gods. Here also resides Attarikyr who forges the arms for the soldiers in the furnace of Aesma. This is thought to be where Moradin of the dwarves can be found.

Arcadium, the Fifth Realm

Arcadium is a place of unending, peaceful night. The night is quiet, rivers of magic wind through this place as they go to all the realms, as it is thought by practitioners of the 13 Realms to be the source of all magic in the realms. Five moons hang in the sky, bringing various magic to the plane as its residents, the Kodoma dance about. Here resides Selenae and Lorrid.

Lady Luck herself, Lorrid makes her home in Arcadium

Olympia, the Sixth Realm

A sprawling glorious city, here the Olympians live out as petitioners to the arts, knowledge, and all sorts of virtuous pursuits. The city is built upon a great mountain that gives way to great rolling planes where rivers of mana flow. Those who took on scholarly pursuits are thought to have their souls sent here as Eliouds. Here resides Laurn and Phoonzang along with the garden of Selle Esteen.

Daeyor, the Seventh Realm

A dark and shadowy place, Daeyor is a realm covered in a thick smog wherever some may wonder. It is an unpleasant realm to be in, as a fog covers the sun, and the only light in this realm is the burning Hall of Grudges. The major landmarks are said to be the Burning Hall and the Shrouded Vale where Azrael and Verthae respectively reside. They are served by Furies, the petitioners of the realm.

Gehenna, the Eight Realm

A cold, barren, and cruel place, Gehenna never sees the light of any sun or moon, but rather a strange cube sits in the cloudy sky that gives off a strange unlight. The cold mires are thought to flow with sickness, and dread hangs in the air of Gehenna. Daemons, the petitioners of this place, conduct their schemes while avoiding Urboch, the resident deity.

The Dreamtime, the Ninth

An ever-shifting landscape, the Dreamtime is said to take on the shape of the individuals mind rather than have a shape of its own. Here, it is where mortals’ dreams are crafted for when they sleep, and as long as one interacts with the realm when they are sleeping, they are safe from its hazards. Sandmen, the Dreamtime petitioners, move to bring mortals their dreams and where Faze crafts them and reveals great truths through them.

Bytopia, the Tenth Realm

The twin peaks of Bytopia stretch infinitely into the sky amongst a backdrop of peaceful, golden fields. An unending, tranquil rain falls from the calm sky, and this water is thought to be capable of healing all wounds. The twin peaks house the two resident goddesses Gwynlia and Havana, who watch over their petitioners, the Melusines.

The Soul Well... the center of the Realms

The Soul Well, the Eleventh Realm

The Soul Well is the place where souls are created at the Soul Forge and is the first place a soul goes upon death where they await judgment at the hands of Aor, the resident god. The Soul Well is depicted as a colorful void of ethereal energy with crystal islands spread throughout.

The Hells, the Twelfth Realm

A place where only true evil resides, the Hells are a terrible place where the cruel and unnatural forces that would undo the realms are sent to be lorded over by a being known only as the Warden. Clerics hold that this is where the Dreadlords came from and birthed the demons. The Hells is a place

reserved for souls the gods consider irredeemable unlike realms such as Divor, Gehenna, and Khazav, where souls will be sent as petitioners until redeemed.

The Warden of the Damned patrols the Hells as he punishes the souls of the damned and makes sure the devils and demons there do not get into the material realm.

To breech into the Hells is a terrible sin amongst those of who practice the thirteen realms. The devils, fiends, and evil deities of all pantheons are thought to reside here when they aren’t loose in the realms.

Prime Material, the Thirteenth Realm

It’s the prime material plane and where Evaryn and the material worlds are. No gods nor petitioners reside here.


The Church of Kovith

I imagine Kovar looking something like this... one of the Biblical angels... the og eldritch entities

Not so much a separate religion, the Church of Kovith is more so a sect of the Human pantheon commonly referred to as the 13 Realms. Where people and communities will adopt a god of the pantheon, the Church of Kovith see Kovar, god of light and guardian of mortals, as their patron. The Church of Kovith was formed in the kingdom of Kovith long ago before it was the sprawling empire it is today. When the Morning’s Cabal formed, one of the first to join its cause was the devout Queen Orianna Orcthenbruck of the Duchy of Kovith, the First Avatar. Before the Battle of New Morn, the Church’s teachings say that Kovar revealed itself to her and told her that she and her progeny would be its vessel to protect mortals and guide them to the light.

The Church of Kovith believe that the emperor of Kovith is the living embodiment and avatar of their god, and thus treat the emperor as thus. It is held in their teachings that the essence of Kovar is transferred to the child of the emperor upon their conception. The Church holds certain doctrines as Undeniable Truths, which form the basis of the faith.

Undeniable Truths:

The King of Kovith is the Avatar – The ruler of Kovith, king, queen, emperor, duke, or duchess, is the avatar of the god of light. Part of Kovar inhabits the Avatar.

Agar Orchtenbruck, the current Emperor of Kovith, is the Church's current Avatar of Kovar.

The Avatar is our Guide and Protector – The Avatar is the ruler of Kovith, but they shall use this power to spread the word and teachings of Kovar as well as protect the mortals of Evaryn from the Darkness.

There shall only be one – There is only one Avatar of Kovar at a given time. Due to this, the Emperor and their spouse have on child and shall not have any others. This piece of doctrine has prevented conflict for centuries. Through transference, the essence of Kovar is transferred to the unborn child of the ruler of Kovith upon conception.

The Church of Kovith holds that Kovar is superior to the other gods of the 13th Realm and even goes so far as to disparage the gods Urboch, Verthae, Azrael, Okku, and Marlfax seeing them as evil or lesser. The Church of Kovith may go as far as to outright deny the divinity of other pantheons such as the Sel' Adrin of the Elves and Moradin of the Dwarves, which has led them into direct conflict with other races at times at times.

Once every week, a ritual service is held at a local chapel devoted to Kovar where stories of the god’s guidance and teachings are recited. Prayer is also and the ceremony ends with a prayer around a great lantern held in a tower of the chapel. These ‘lighthouses’ are maintained by the clerics of the temple and never burn out as they are seen as a symbol of the light Kovar sheds upon Evaryn, which protects the realm from the dark.


Dwarves and Moradin

Moradin, grand smith and protector of the world.

Unlike many other religions of the land that revolve around the worship of many deities and revolve around a whole pantheon of gods, Dwarves teach that their only god is Moradin, grand smith and protector of the world. Dwarf tradition says that Moradin was a driving force in the creation of Evaryn using a hammer at what is known as the ‘Celestial Forge.’ Teachings suggest that Moradin did not create all of the races, but he did craft his people from the very stone he used to craft the land. This was the birth of the Dwarvern race, and he appointed these people the “Shields of the Realm” in the Great Struggle.

The Great Struggle, or Agnolrök, is the great battle that Moradin and other celestial beings fight against evil in the realms. Dwarves teach that a great fiend known as Mastema seeks to shroud the land in darkness and consume creation. Moradin was the first to take up an axe against Mastema, and his people are taught to do so as well. Due to this, Dwarves revere great heroes and warriors and believe they enter the Hall of Heroes and feast with Moradin until the final battle of good and evil known as Ragnarök in the end of the world. From this apocalyptic battle, from the ashes, will rise a world without evil.

The Demanaresh, Iudex of Souls. Crucible of the Einherjar

Dwarvish teaching hold that upon death, the soul traverses to the Bridge of Judgment, where they are judged by Demanaresh, the spirit of judgment. Demanaresh holds a holy, burning sword where a Dwarf’s soul is judged based on the choices they made in life. Those that are good will pass into Celestia as celestials, but those who are good of heart and where great warriors are challenged by the Demanaresh to a dual to determine if they are hardened enough in battle to serve Moradin in his battle against evil and eventually in Ragnarök. Those who are victorious are sent to the Hall of Heroes in Vaargard to be with Moradin himself as Einherjar. Those who are not victorious are turned into protecting angels and sent to guard Celestia. Those who decline this dual are turned into sleipnirs to serve as the mounts of Einherjar. The wicked see the bridge grow narrow and are unable to cross as Demanaresh cuts down their evil souls, sending them to Hell where they may be recruited by Mastema and twisted into fiends to serve his evil purposes.

Most followers of Moradin do not deny the divinity of other gods or pantheons. They share the concept of some of the Thirteen Realms including the mortal realm, Vaargard, Celestia, and an abyssal plane for evil, though Dwarves focus on the fact that Moradin put them on Evaryn for the purpose of protecting and lording over the Realm. Followers of Moradin are expected to attend a ceremony once every fortnight where they must bring an offering of stone or ore to give to Moradin for the Celestial Forge. The Cleric will conduct a ritual that sees this stone and ore consumed.


The Sel’Adrin and Elves

The Realm of Selle Esteen

Traditional elf teaching says that their gods, the Sel’ Adrin, reside in a celestial realm known as Selle Esteen. The land is a paradise full of lush gardens, flowing streams, and a quiet mist that falls upon the land. Elf teachings state that the Sel’ Adrin aided in the creation of the realms. The elves were their children, and they resided with the Sel’ Adrin for generations until what is known as the Exodus occurred, and the elves were driven from Selle Esteen. Some teachings put forth that the Exodus was caused by the betrayal of Malikath, while others state it was the Sel’ Adrin’s own doing.

Regardless the reasons, the elves were sent into the Feywild, where they wondered for centuries until they came upon the land of Evaryn where they came to settle, which the Elves named. This name in their tongue means ‘home.’ Elves see their exile differently, and the different subraces of elves all have a different way of interpreting their religion, but the commonly held belief is that during their lives, Elves try to become worthy of rejoining the Sel’ Adrin in Selle Esteen, and when they die, they shall ascend to join them.

Selladine, Queen of the Sel' Adrin often works with her husband, Banderoth, to protect the Elves and Selle Esteen from their enemies.

The Sel’ Adrin consists of (Recommended Cleric Domain, Paladin Oath):

Selladine – Queen of the Sel’ Adrin, goddess of magic, art in all its forms, and life. Her symbol is a slender star and she often is depicted as an elegant queen. Patron of the high elves. (Knowledge, Life, and Light Domains, Oath of Devotion and Redemption)

Arawn – Wolf god of the hunt, revenge, and beasts. Depicted as an elf with features of the wolf, his symbol. Patron of the gold elves. (Nature and Trickery Domains, Oath of Vengeance)

Sylvanus – God of fey creatures, the woods, and protector of nature. Father of Arawn and Shenaine Moonbow. Depicted as an elf with plants growing all around him and his symbol is a leaf. Patron of the wood elves. (Nature and Life Domains, Oath of the Ancients)

Arawn, Elven god of the Hunt, with his companion Hoodin

Shenaine Moonbow – Goddess of the moon, night, and death. The sister of Arawn, she is depicted as a pallid, hooded elf, and her symbol is a crescent moon. Patron of the moon elves. (Grave and Trickery Domains, Oath of Devotion)

Araleth Larelnyn – Goddess of love and fertility. Daughter of Selladine and Baernoth. Depicted as a supernaturally beautiful elf woman, her symbol is a bleeding heart. (Life and Light Domain, Oath of Devotion)

Banderoth the Protector – Warrior god of protection and war. Selladine’s husband. Depicted as a powerful warrior and his symbol is the sword. (War Domain, Oath of Devotion)

Deep Sashanalea – Goddess of the sea. Depicted as a sort sea elf as she is seen as their patron. (Tempest Domain, Oath of the Ancients)

Tarsellis – God of winter, tempests, and chaos. Husband to Illesiere Moonshadow. Depicted as an elf with a crown of ice, his symbol. Was the patron of the snow elves before their departure from the Sel’ Adrin. (Tempest Domain, Oath of Conquest)

Sharas, the Dancing Lady – Goddess of revelry, pleasure, and lust. Selladine’s lover/mistress. Depicted as a disheveled yet jolly woman, her symbol is the goblet. (Trickery or Life Domains, Oath of Redemption)

Vandria Silverbaen – Goddess of justice, honor, and truth. Sister of Venroth and wife of Arawn. Depicted as a silver haired, blind woman clad in armor, her symbol are the scales. (Order Domain, Oath of Vengeance)

Venroth SilverbaenGod of law and fate. Brother of Vandria. Depicted as a silver haired judge, his symbol is a gavel. (Order Domain, Oath of Devotion)

Enoreth - God of time and wisdom. Depicted as a transcendent dark elf with after images of himself. He was the patron of the dark elves before they renounced the Sel’ Adrin. (Knowledge Domain, Oath of Devotion)

Kyryn Swiftyl ­– Goddess of journeys, safe passage, and discovery. Wife of Sylvanus and mother of Arawn and Shenaine Moonbow Depicted as a white stag with shining blue stripes. (Light Domain, Oath of the Ancients)

Illesiere Moonshadow, goddess of trickery, fortune, and darkness.

Iyrathiel – Goddess of medicine, sacrifice, and healing. Daughter of Selladine and Sharas. Depicted as a kindly, yet humble maiden, her symbol is a gentle hand. (Life Domain, Oath of Redemption)

Illesiere Moonshadow – Goddess of trickery, fortune, and darkness. Wife of Tarsellis. Depicted as a shrouded lady, her symbol is the mocking bird. Patron of the Shadar Kai. (Trickery Domain, Oath of Conquest)

Wylob – God of wealth, agriculture, and commerce. Depicted as a farmer and a merchant, he rides upon a pony, and his symbol is a bundle of wheat. (Life Domain, Oath of Devotion)

Abbarax – God of crafting, civilization, and the hearth. Brother of Iyrathiel. Depicted as an elven smith with a silver hammer, which is his symbol. (Forge and Knowledge Domain, Oath of Devotion)

Eyla SenthisGoddess of knowledge, history, and teaching. Depicted as a great oracle, sage, or scholar, her symbol is the tome. (Knowledge Domain, Oath of Devotion)

Oona Leylthae – Goddess of freedom and peace. Depicted as a winged elf, often sheltering her pet raccoon, which is her symbol. (Life and Light Domains, Oath of Redemption)

Eyaer – God of the seasons and their passage. Depicted as an elf with ever change features depending on the time of year. Patron of the Eladrin. (Nature Domain, Oath of the Ancients)

There also exist some entities that the Elves recognize as formerly part of the Sel’ Adrin, but they have separated from it. They are called ‘Drow,’ which is Elven for “outcast” or “pariah.” Malikath betrayed the Sel’ Adrin when he tried to destroy Selle Esteen, and he was cast out by Banderoth. The Forgotten Queen was cast out but forgotten since she was cast out so long ago. Khulnex died but was brought back as undead.

Yea yea, I know it's Khaine from Warhammer, but this is exactly who I had in mind when I came up with Malikath

Malikath, the Traitor – Exiled god of fire, murder, and treachery. Formerly Selladine’s husband. Depicted as a burning, armored figure with a burning sword. Seen as a patron by some outcasted elves. (War and Grave Domains, Oath of Vengeance and Conquest)

The Forgotten Queen – Goddess of secrets, plots, and forgotten knowledge. Theorized mother of Malikath. Depicted as a faceless queen. Patron of the elves forgotten to time and history. (Knowledge and Trickery Domains, Oath of Conquest)

Khulnex, the Unliving – God of undeath and disease. Formerly, the brother of Selladine. Depicted as an undead, goat-skulled elf. Achieved undeath, causing what elves to believe the birth of the undead. (Grave Domain, Oath of Conquest)

Tandor, the Interloper – God of outcasts, love, and deception. Depicted as a masked half-elf. Patron of half-elves. (Trickery, Life, and Light Domains, Oath of Devotion)

It is possible other gods exist within the Sel’ Adrin, but these are the most commonly referred to and worshipped, after all, elves believe they achieve divinity upon ascension. Elves do not deny the divinity of other gods, but more often than not, they see theirs as superior to other pantheons. They hold that other races are not permitted to ascend and join the Sel’ Adrin or enter Selle Esteen, not even half-elves, though there are some elves that take a lighter stance on this view.

Elf teaching warns against the whisperings of Malikath or the other exiled gods, but Malikath is not seen as responsible for the existence of fiends. Rather, they are the result of the evils of other races, and they may ally themselves with Malikath.


Fey Worship, the ‘Pagans’

In many places of Evaryn dwell fey creatures, either having been born of the Feywild or of the land itself. These Fey creatures vary in power, with some that have power that puts them on the level of a demigod. These are considered Arch-fey, and they are often worshiped by other fey and sometimes by the kith of Evaryn as they may be seen as gods of nature, more tangible powers to worship, or an aid to communities in exchange for their tribute. The practices, rituals, doctrine, and teachings vary upon who the arch-fey being worshiped is and the society worshiping them.

Most often, worshiping Fey creatures is considered “pagan” by others that practice more mainstream or organized religions, but there some circles that do see the merits in worshiping fey. Some communities may see them as a sort of intermediary for other nature gods such as Sylvanus, Marlfax, Okku, or Arawn. For example, wood elf communities may base their leadership around a dryad or some other fey creature.

Fey worship often involves protecting and keep nature untouched, certain forest ritual dances, and whatever the fey creature wishes.

Some commonly worshipped Fey in Evaryn are:

The Lady of the Whispering Woods, a beautiful, but mysterious being.

Lady of the Whispering Woods – Said to reside within the heart of the Whispering Woods of Vallonde, the Lady of the Whispering Woods is often seen as the political head of the country, and she is said to be the matriarch of a number of wood elf and halfling communities. The Lady is seen as kind and nurturing but yet firm.

She is the head of the Whispering Conclave, a group of druids charged with protecting and upholding the primeval woods of the land along with groves and sites sacred to dryads. She has a retinue of Green Knights that serve as her personal foot soldiers in the war to protect nature. The Lady of the Whispering Woods is also said to have gifted weapons of great power to the pure of heart. Her worshippers often are charged with protecting and growing the forest, and for each tree felled, they must plant two in its place. Those she does show herself to are thought to be blessed by the wood.

Boreala, Queen of Winter – One of the oldest beings to reside in Evaryn, Boreala is said to be just as old as some of the oldest dragons in the realms. Other legends say her, and the dragons were the ones who sealed It That Slumbers within ice in Glacial Peak deep in the Unending Tundra. Boreala is cold, calculating, but yet fair.

She sheltered the Snow Elves and aided them when the High Elves attempted to exterminate them. The Snow Elves abandoned the Sel’ Adrin as they saw their own kin butcher their them and came to worship Boreala. The Queen of Winter resides in an ice palace beyond Urndvyk to the north, and from here, she commands the snow, frost, and cold. Her followers are given boons that aid them in surviving the harsh cold.

Worshipers are expected to pay tribute to her by exterminating the warmth where it may touch her realm. Fires and warmth are expected to extinguish, and one should not bring it within her presence.

Boreala, Queen of Winter.

Glimmer Ke’ Sha, Prince of Spring – Taking the shape of a glittering moth, Glimmer Ke’ Sha is seen as the Prince of Spring. He is an ambitious fey, seeking to wrest control of the other seasons from their respective Fey Court members. He is often seen as mischievous, partaking in revelry, but yet also warm and welcoming. He is often followed by a retinue of strange fey creatures, and when one is in his presence, it is often for a feast.

Glimmer’s followers are often instructed to do strange things, often just to amuse the fey. He appreciates tributes of alcohol, food, and rare flowers as he hopes to gift the flowers to the princess who he shall make his queen. Glimmer is sought out though as he offers in return for these gifts bountiful harvest and tranquil rains. He will also give fertility to those who seek it.

The Fey Court knows better than to let Glimmer Ke’ Sha go unchecked, and his followers often get trouble from other Arch Fey, especially those of the seasons such as Boreala, Yaksha, and Alux. It is thought his ambition will get the better of him.

Yaksha, Countess of Summer – With shimmering, golden hair and a blazing temper, Yaksha rules over the season of summer as its countess. She is brazen, quick witted, and headstrong. She prefers the warmth and it is said that plants flourish wherever she steps. She can bring the sunlight wherever she goes, and Yaksha is known to imbue those who follow her with the same inner fire. Unlike the Lady of the Whispering Woods, Yaksha often employs barbarian warriors to carry out her whims.

When the Countess of Summer asks of her followers to complete a task, she wants it completed quickly and without hesitation. She often acts on a whim, and it is not uncommon for her tasks to involve petty revenge on someone or something for the slightest of slights. She basks in adoration and will use her beauty and charm to get her way.

Alux, Duke of Autumn – The Duke of Autumn, Alux is somber compared to his other siblings. He prefers the stoic and contemplative approach to life, and Alux is slow to move, but when he does, it is said he moves on the breeze. His duty is to prepare the world for his sister, Boreala’s season, the winter, and this often puts him at odds with his other sister, Yaksha. Alux’s motives are not as random or whimsical as Glimmer or Yaksha’s, but his worshipers will often be asked to aid in the harvest of his favorable mortals or to kill the crops of those who wronged him.

Alux’s followers are asked not to gaze upon his malformed face, so when he is seen, he often wears a bark mask. He is often seen as the Fey of death, and it is not uncommon for him to task followers with random death.

Yes,,, the Three Faced God is inspired by the album cover to 'Blood Mountain' by Mastodon

The Three Faced God A strange and ancient being, the Three Faced God is an old fey being that wonders the primeval woods of the land. A favorite amongst barbarian tribes, the Three Faced God has two heads of wolf-like creatures flanking the head of a wise stage with three eyes. It stands tall, and each face is a symbol of hunger, instinct, and rage, as these are needed for survival in the primeval world. The Three Faced God does not partake in the Fey Court often, as it prefers to solemnly wander the land and help continue the circle of hunger and survival. Due to its portfolio, the Three Faced God is popular amongst barbarian warriors and survivalists, and it is thought other fey make a point to stay out of its way.


The Dragon Cult

Dragons are perhaps one of the oldest creatures to inhabit Evaryn, and as other races rose up and arrived, it was only a matter of time until the majestic and mighty dragons were revered by them. Some dragons, such as the Astral Dragons, are greatly powerful, and this power caused a religion to rise around the dragons. The dragons would come to share some of their own great ancestors who they revered as gods as well.

The worship of dragons became known as the Dragon Cult around Evaryn; as various peoples came to pay homage to the dragon pantheon. It is thought that through faith and belief, these ancestral dragons’ souls were given power and godhood. The dragons themselves pay homage to these dragon gods. The orcs, goblins, bugbears, dragonborn, kobolds, some Lizardfolk tribes, and some humans are the major races that follow the Dragon Cult.

The dragons and their cult hold that the first eggs were sent from the stars by the Astral Star to lord over all of creation. Some dragons were meant to safe guard the mortals of the realm while others were to embody destructive forces. Each Dragon god is gifted with a portfolio, and the faith holds any dragon is capable of ascension to godhood, but this is a difficult achievement for event the most powerful dragons.

The dragon gods are (Recommend Cleric Doman and Paladin Oath):

When Azor Bael, the First Dragon, roamed Evaryn, he was an Astral Dragon, the dragons of the cosmos. They are the most powerful of their kind.

Azor Bael, the First Dragon – Dragon god of the stars and time. Father of the Dragonborn people. Azor Bael was the first of the three meteor eggs to hatch, and he is considered the first dragon of Evaryn. He takes the form of an Astral Dragon as he manipulates time. (Light and Knowledge Domains, Oath of Devotion)

Gaer -Toldorath ­– Dragon goddess of language and magic. She is credited with the creation of the Draconic Tongue, often considered the first language ever spoken. Gaer-Toldorath is the sister of Azor Bael and Drakaan and was the second dragon to hatch from the meteor eggs. She often takes the form of a massive golden dragon. (Knowledge, Arcana, and Life Domains, Oath of Devotion)

Drakaan is said to manifest as a dragon that flies in on a storm of fire.

Drakaan – Dragon god of fire and death. The third and youngest of the first three dragons, and he is credited with bringing the gift of fire to the world. Drakaan also lords over death; he was a very destructive dragon in life, but he kept other dragons and powerful creatures in check. He is often depicted as a burning, destructive dragon. (Grave and Tempest Domains, Oath of Vengeance)

Faze – Dragon god of dreams and prophecies. One of the few gods that sees worship across various religions and pantheons, Faze is seen as the creator and guardian of dreams the Dreamtime, a plane of dreams. He is depicted as a prismatic dragon, but may take a nightmarish form. (Forge and Knowledge Domains, Oath of the Ancients)

Tarmarc – Dragon god of light and virtue. A majestic dragon, Tarmarc is one of the most beloved gods of the Dragon Cult as he protects the virtuous while punishing the wicked. He sheds his radiant light to help bring life to Evaryn. He is often depicted as an angelic dragon with great feathered wings. (Light and Life Domains, Oath of Devotion)

Jormungandr – Dragon god of the sea and hunger. Jormungandr was though to have been cast into the sea when he attempted to consume a whole kingdom. In the great sea, he is able to feed peacefully to his hearts content. When the end times come, he will emerge from the sea, bringing a great poison to the sky. He is depicted as a great sea dragon with poisonous breath. (Nature or Tempest Domains, Oath of Vengeance)

Tiamat ­– Dragon goddess of destruction and chaos. Tiamat is often viewed as the evillest and is the most reviled of the Dragon gods, but chaos and destruction are seen as necessary forces within the universe. She takes the form of a five headed dragon, with each head bearing a different color. (War Domain, Oath of Conquest)

Jordaantorax is peaceful and often manifests in a physical form to his followers.

Jordaantorax – Dragon god of protection and ice. Jordaantorax is often seen as the son of Tarmarc, and he is the guardian of the mortal races. His kindly nature as been known to get the better of him, and he was one of the dragons that aided Boreala in sealing away It That Slumbers away in Glacial Peak. He is often depicted as a young, white, angelic dragon with feather wings, like his father. (Life, Tempest, and War Domains, Oath of the Ancients or Devotion)

Boragoth – Dragon goddess of freedom and the wind. Boragoth ensures the freedom of all creatures, so that they may not be shackled by anything, physical or metaphorical. She brings great winds to free creatures from their bindings. She is often depicted as a red dragon. (Tempest and Light Domains, Oath of Redemption)

Wyverous – Goddess of the lesser dragons, poison, and deception. Wyverous took on the less glorious role of lording over the creatures that are kin to dragons, but not fully dragons. She and her kind deceive others into thinking they are true dragons. She is often depicted as a great wyvern or green dragon. (Trickery Domain, Oath of Vengeance)

Do not let Bimpuk's diminuitive size decieve you. She still has the fury of the dragons burning within her bones.

Bimpuk, the Lesser – Dragon goddess of lost things, mischief, and kobolds. Bimpuk was once said to have a great horde of treasure that she amassed. She lost it, and she gave birth to the kobolds to help her in recovering it. She is often depicted as a furtive and diminutive dragon. (Trickery or Light Domains, Oath of Vengance)


The Way

The world of Evaryn is surrounded in an ebb and flow of magic. Some consider this magic the soul of the realms, and the believe that Evaryn has a beating heart, and each world does. These worlds put magic into the universe, which is the life blood. It is what birthed the Astral Star. It is what birthed the gods. It is what gave living things souls, and Seekers, the followers of the Way, believe that it is magic that is the center of it all.

Those who follow the way believe in finding purity of essence and form and finding ‘the way’ that leads them to ultimate enlightenment. In order to do this, one must find their connection to Evaryn and the world, the truth of their connection, and obtain that purity of essence and form. Purity of form often leads Seekers to maintain a healthy life style, and many are known for physical prowess. Purity of essence is often achieved through the study and contemplation of the flow of magic in the world, clearing one’s mind, and to shed mental anguish by rising above desire.

Seekers of the Way do not deny the existence of other gods, the Astral Star, or any other divine beings. Rather, they see them as also born of magic, and they claim the First Truth is accepting that they are born of the same magic that birthed mortals. This often causes Seekers to face the chagrin or wrath of followers of those gods because their teachings state at a basic level all things have the potential to reaching enlightenment, which allows them to rejoin the flux of magic.

Seekers teach that the fiends were born of magic but were twisted by their own desire and free will to seek evil and wanton things. The Way is a popular religion amongst highly spiritual cultures such as the Dark Elves, who have abandoned their Sel’ Adrin gods, or the Genasi, who believe themselves born of the flux of magic flowing within the world.


The Steam Church

With the discovery of aether and the advent of the industrial revolution in western Maywikt, a sort of pseudo-faith was built around technology. A traveling cleric to Keirbeth of no renown came to be a master tinkerer, and he was able to augment the body with these parts. He used aether and metal to extend his life, and he came to a realization that the Steam Church refers to as the Cognaizziant. The only sway that gods have over mortals is death, and that humankind and the mortal races of Evaryn have achieved success not due to the gods but due to their ingenuity, inventiveness, and discoveries.

The denial of the divinity of the gods became the basis for this new church. Due to their fascination and almost worship of technology, the church became knowns the Steam Church and its clerics the Steam Priests. The nameless cleric who first taught this doctrine took the name Nekros of House Meknoth, the first of the Steam Priests, and he was named the Pontiff of the Steam Church. The Steam Church’s headquarters, the Cathedral of House Meknoth is located in Kovith’s capital Kovar’s Light, and the only reason the Church of Kovith allows its operation is due to their inventions and progression of technology.

The Steam Church holds that mortals can transcend the need for the gods by embracing technology, and this often leads to Steam Priests augmenting themselves and their bodies with technological parts. They believe the gods only get their power through the magical manifestation of the belief of the multitudes of mortals who worship them. The Steam Church operates on a strict hierarchy with initiates at the lowest end and the Heirarchs at the highest under the Pontiff.

Steam Priests will pray to their machines, believing that divine magic is born out of the manifestation of belief and willpower. The Steam Church disparages and bans the study of biomancy, seeing it as a blight on the sciences and a surefire way for mortalking to devolve into a slovenly, savage, animal people.


The Shasta and Tabaxi

The nomadic Tabaxi follow what some refer to as a ‘revolving door’ of gods, as their gods, like them, are nomadic. Their gods may join them in the mortal realm on a whim, so Tabaxi always make sure to be alert and treat others with respect, should they possibly be one of their gods making a trip through Evaryn. “Be kind to the stranger on the road, for they maybe a Shasta on their own journey” is a common proverb taught by Tabaxi clerics. Tabaxi gods’ portfolios tend to focus on journeys, guidance, and cat-like qualities.

A Tabaxi caravan often has a cleric devoted to one of the nine members of the Shasta, and these clerics will pray together at least once a day. Tabaxi are expected to experience the realm and share their experiences with others, as the Shasta too wish to explore and experience all the realms themselves. They then share these experiences in a Great sharing in a circle with a special cleric called a Witch-Seer, who then conducts a ritual to send these journeys to the Shasta. The Witch-Seer position is often granted to magically powerful individuals, such as a sorcerer, to ensure the stories and retellings make it to the Shasta in full and with complete accuracy.

Tabaxi doctrine teaches against keeping secrets from the caravan; for keeping secrets against the caravan is to keep secrets from the Shasta. Those that do keep secrets and don’t share in full often will meet with a Witch-Seer to tell these secrets, and during the Telling of Secrets, a Tabaxi must explain the necessity for their secretiveness, to which the Witch-Seer will accept as valid or invalid. Invalid secrets are met with a penance, such as carrying out less pleasant duties for the caravan to exile from a caravan.

The Shasta consist of these rather consistent gods (Recommend Cleric Domain and Paladin Oath):

Shameana Five-Stripes is often likened to a celestial tiger. She uses the moon to guide her people.

Shameana Five-Stripes – Goddess of the moon. Shameana Five-Stripes is often considered the ultimate patron of the Tabaxi, and she is worshipped by the rare Tabaxi who follows another pantheon; they often replacing their moon deity with Shameana. The moon is the guiding light by which caravans follow to their next destination. She is depicted as a luminous, five striped Tabaxi. (Light Domain, Oath of the Ancients)

Riddle’Mara – Goddess of truth and penance. Riddle’Mara is the goddess that is bent on learning the secrets of the world, especially those her people are keeping from her. She is the inquisitor, and she is not very fond of lies. She is depicted as a stern, white Tabaxi. (Knowledge or Order Domains, Oath of Vengeance)

Tooma Long-Whiskers – Goddess of journeys and the road. Tooma helps keep her people safe as they journey from one place to the next. She is often seen as the goddess heading the caravan of the Shasta, safeguarding them from whatever may lay in wait for them. She is depicted as a courageous, sandy Tabaxi with a curved sword. (Life Domain, Oath of Devotion)

Nood took on a difficult role when he passed through the void. He guides all Tabaxi through death to join the Shasta caravans of the heavens.

Nood, King of the Void – God of the night and the final journey. Nood was the only member of the Shasta brave enough to experience the dark of the void and bring the stories of it back for the Tabaxi people. This earned him godhood over the night, guarding caravans as they rest, as well as helping them move in the night. Nood is also the guide on the final journey, death. He is depicted as a black tabaxi with a splotch of white on his fur to represent his still good nature. (Trickery or Grave Domains, Oath of the Ancients)

Mawgmeow Green-Eyes – God of perception and language. Mawgmeow granted mortals the ability to perceive the world around them to experience it. He gave Tabaxi the gift of language and speaking to be able to share their experiences to the caravan and for the Shasta. He is depicted as a blue tabaxi with deep green eyes. (Knowledge Domain, Oath of Devotion)

Bast Three-Eyes – Goddess of intuition and protection. Bast is the goddess that grants Tabaxi the third eye, insight. Being able to perceive something without physically sensing is just as important to the journey and survival of a Tabaxi on the road. She is depicted as a blue tabaxi with a third eye. (Life and War Domain, Oath of Devotion)

Ailuros Cinder-Heart – God of warmth and sleep. Ailuros brings warmth and rest to Tabaxi in order to make them fit and strong for their journeys. When a Tabaxi caravan breaks for camp, a prayer is said to Ailuros to provide them warmth and uninterrupted sleep for the journey ahead. He is depicted as an orange Tabaxi next to a fire. (Light and Nature Domain, Oath of Redemption)

Purrkei Ink-Claw – Goddess of cartography and navigation. Tabaxi were gifted the ability to make grand maps and navigate the land by Purrkei. She did so to allow Tabaxi to visit locations they were fond of experiencing or if they had to cross large areas that they may have been familiar with. She is depicted as a drawing, calico Tabaxi. (Forge, Nature, or Knowledge Domains, Oath of the Ancients)

Ishkur, Doorkeeper of the Realms – God of portals. Ishkur granted creatures and mortals the ability to pass between two points almost instantly or between two realms by creating the first portals. Many other pantheons recognize Ishkur as the god of portals as well. He is depicted as a purple tabaxi with many arms holding keys. (Light and Forge Domains, Oath of Devotion)

Many religious scholars say the Rakshasa are the fiendish form of the Shasta and other Tabaxis. They are the cruel hearts of Tabaxis that were hedonistic and greedy in their discovery. They coveted secrets and wanted to keep their experiences to themselves. When the caravan of the Shasta denied them, they took to the form of the cruel Rakshasa. Many Tabaxi hope to join the great celestial caravan of the Shasta upon death, after Nood guides them on their final journey. (Knowledge or Nature Domains, Oath of the Ancients)


Jotnar, the Giant Pantheon

Jotunnheim, the realm of the Jotunn, the 'petitioners' or 'ascended' giants and the giant gods. Jotunnheim is located in Vaargard.

One of the oldest intelligent races of the land, perhaps only second to the dragons, Giants have their own gods that they look to. Giants respect strength, survival, craftsmanship, and other such qualities. The Giant pantheon is not nearly as large or expansive as other pantheons, as they believe many of their gods fell in a cataclysmic battle with something they refer to as the Great One. Some speculate this is the entity hidden away in the Unending Tundra known only as It That Slumbers.

The few surviving giant gods continue to guide their people, and many giants see life as a grand test to prove themselves worthy of taking up the thrones of their deceased gods. Giants, like dwarves, believe their souls wait with Ymir, their chief patron, for Ragnarök, the final battle. Their version holds that mortals will rally under the dragons as a great dark force will attempt to swallow all the realms of the universe. From the ashes of this battle, new lords will arise and create a more perfect world.

Giants hold that the first of their gods were uplifted to this position by the Astral Star to guide their people.

Ymir is said to have paved the way for the giants to have their spot outside of the mortal realms.

Giants respect great warriors of old, often time weaving stories around them. They believe these warriors traverse the realms with their god, sparring with the Einherjar of Harrenhallm often battling over who gets to feast while the other cooks. Petitioner giant souls are referred to as Jotunn in Giant faith, Jotunn being the giant word of a rough equivalent of angel.

The Giant gods are (Recommended Cleric Domain and Paladin Oath)

Ymir – The First Jotunn. Ymir was the first giant to be elevated to godhood by the Astral Star. He is a grand warrior, and the deed that elevated him to godhood was the smiting of an old deity. He is depicted as a great and powerful frost giant, and as such, he is often associated with the cold, winter, and storms. (Tempest or War Domains, Oath of Vengeance)

Surtur went mad when It That Slumbers touched his mind. He now fights an unending war against the fiends after Freja had Ishkur send him to Hell.

Surtur ­– The Destroyer. Surtur is a violent and savage god, but his battle prowess and affinity for fire is what ultimately defeated the Great One. This drove him mad though, and now his violent and warrior nature has overtaken him as he is the destroyer of the world. Freja, in an act of mercy, had Ishkur, Tabaxi god of portals, send him to Hell where he constantly battles fiends, awaiting when the Jotnar call upon him again in Ragnarök. It is prophesied that his fire will illuminate and destroy the darkness, but also engulf Evaryn in flames. He is depicted as a burning fire giant. (War or Light Domains, Oath of Conquest)

Freja The Mother. Freja is the giant goddess who over sees and protects her people. She wishes for peace amongst the warriors of the Jotunn. She is often invoked when giant clans are squabbling or fighting to try and bring unity to the divided giants. She also supports the giants having good relations with other races. She is often depicted as a kindly giant woman. (Life Domain, Oath of Redemption)

Firbess, the gardener of Jotunnheim, protects nature from the industriousness of giants.

Marduk The Smith. Marduk crafts the weapons for the Jotunn warriors of Vaargard so that they may better spare and do battle with the Einherjar. Marduk is the one who crafted the legendary hammer Glacious for Ymir and Sutur’s fire sword. Many legendary weapons are attributed to Marduk and his forge. He is a rather kindly, but stern. He is depicted as a giant smith with a metal cage around his head as a reminder to his duty. (Forge Domain, Oath of Devotion)

Firbess The Gardener. Firbess is a goddess often seen as a goddess of nature, plants, and the world around giants. She tries to have her people live in harmony with the nature around them and not to exploit it too much, lest the trees and fauna not return. She is often seen as a patron goddess of Firbolgs, a people the giants see as kin. She is depicted as a Firbolg like, giant with antlers and a flower crown. (Nature Domain, Oath of the Ancients)



The dark and evil entities that broke into the realm of Evaryn long ago and came to rule it under an iron claw after the blotted out the sun. They ruled during the Sunless Era, and only the Morning’s Cabal was able to put an end to their terrible rule during the Battle for New Morn. They are the progenitors of the Tieflings, Yuan-Ti, Lycanthropes, Demons, and all manners of monstrous creatures in the realm.

To worship them is considered truly depraved. Those who do worship them do so in hidden cults. To be discovered as a worshipper of these entities means almost certain death labeled as a heretic. Those who do worship them do so for power and personal gain, while the Dreadlords themselves hope to use this to reach the realm of Evaryn again.

The most well known Dreadlords are:

Bhaal feeds on the despair he sews through the destruction of the realm.

Bhaal, Eater of Hope – Lord of destruction and despair. The terrible Bhaal is seen as the progenitor of the Balors, a terrible type of demon that often served as the taskmaster of the Dreadlord armies. Bhaal sought only destruction, as it caused despair which granted him more power and strength. He is often depicted as a black, winged demonic creature with great horns.

Mephiston, the Blood Drinker – Lord of Vampires, the Dark, and Hunger. Mephiston is the creator of the vampire race, crafting them with the same bloodlust he carries within himself. Drinking the blood of mortals granted Mephiston great power, as he was able to cast shadows with just a glance. He is depicted as a malformed, vampric demon.

Sslith, the Cold Blooded - Lord of poison, gluttony, fertility, healing, and reptiles. Sslith granted the humans that worshipped his boon, which was transforming them into the reptilian Yuan-ti. He thrived on the slow decay of mortals through their poisoning, but he could cure the poison for a price. He also created the Marilith demons. Sslith is depicted as a six armed reptilian being.

When you get bit by a werewolf, you have Lycus to thank for it in Evaryn.

Lycus, the Moon Fury – Lord of shapeshifters, deception, lies, and rage. Lycus is the creator of the Lycanthropes, a curse it put on kith to turn them to its side. It corrupts the power of the moon to churn the blood of mortals. It is also relying on the lies and deceptions that come with shapeshifters naturally to get its ways. It created the Glabrezu. He is depicted as a terrible being with the face of a wolf, tiger, and boar.

Thraxsis, Seeker of All – Lord of forbidden knowledge. Thraxsis is often seen as the librarian and experimenter of the Dreadlords. Thraxsis seeks out all knowledge in all the corners of the realms to subject the universe. Thraxsis bestows this knowledge to those who pay him homage, often referred to as the forbidden arts. He is depicted as a shrouded demonic librarian.

Mara, the Cenobite – Lord of pleasure, hedonism, and sensation. Mara tempts mortals with their own desires to turn them to the darkness. Mara allows them to feel ultimate pleasure, but they must carry out its will. Mara created the succubae and incubi. It is depicted as a strange entity of other worldly senses.

Mara, Lord of pleasure, hedonism, and sensation.

Angrath, the Betrayer ­– Lord of treachery. Angrath was once one of the minotaurs that followed the Horned One, but the temptations of the Dreadlords turned them to the darkness. Angrath became a terrible Lord and came to lord over demons. Angrath wished to rule over the realm that his previous master wished for him to protect, but Angrath wanted to rule, and the Dreadlords told him he could. A burning, fiendish minotaur like creature.

Demogorgon, Prince of Demons Lord of demons, paranoia, and towers. The two headed, self-proclaimed Prince of Demons, he wishes to bring chaos with his demons and lord over them through sheer power and strength. Demogorgon places false thoughts into his the minds of his enemies to cause discord and paranoia. Depicted as a tall, two-headed baboon with tentacles for arms and reptilian legs.

Orcus' very breath carries the stench of a miasma on it.

Blackheart, Son of Darkness – Lord of terror and hate. Blackheart feasts on the terror and fear of others, and he uses this terror to sew the seeds of hate in the hearts of mortals, so he can watch him tear each other apart. He is depicted as a faceless, shadowed being with tendrils for hair.

Orcus, Lord of the Undead Lord of the undead and pestilence. Lording over the undead, Orcus creates legions of the dead to defeat and destroy the enemies of the Dreadlord enemies. He also brings miasmas of sickness to kill people to create bodies for his legions. Orcus is depicted as a goat skulled, rotting demon.


Relgions and Pantheons – Their Following by Player Race

The Astral Star: Humans, Halflings, Half-Elf, Half-Orc, Gnome, Warforged, Aarakocra, Genasi, Aasimar, and Minoturs

The 13 Realms: Humans, Half-Orcs, Half-Elves, Warforged, Aasimar, Genasi, Simic Hybrid, Shifter

The Church of Kovith: Humans, Half-Elves, Gnomes

Dwarves and Moradin: Dwarves (Goliath pay homage to it)

The Sel’ Adrin and Elves: Elves, Half-Elves

Fey Worship, the ‘Pagans’: Some Humans, Wood Elves, Half-Elves, Triton, Firbolg, Shifter

The Dragon Cult: Orcs, Half-Orcs, Goblins, Hobgoblins, Bugbears, Humans, Dragonborn, and Kobolds

The Way: Dark Elves, Genasi, some Humans, Half-Elves, Gnomes

The Steam Church: Humans, Dwarves, Half-Elves, Half-Orcs, Warforged, Gnomes

The Shasta and Tabaxi: Tabaxi

Jotnar, the Giant Pantheon: Goliath

Dreadlord: Tieflings, Yuan-ti Pureblood


And there it is! The gods, pantheons, and religions of Evaryn. I hope you enjoyed it. It was quite the long post. As always, thanks for the love and support you all show me when it comes to this lore. Your feedback tells me if I am making good decisions and have good ideas for my setting.

If you enjoy my other content, unfortunately for now, that is on hold as I do a lot of writing for my homebrew setting. Expect to see a lot more stuff like this coming from me.

Until next time,

Happy gaming.


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