Reviewing the new DnD actual podcast that just came out by @Jon_thedm

Recently, I have gotten the pleasure of getting to know @Jon_thedm through us playing together weekly in the blue group for Tales of Swordfall, and he is a swell guy. He recently released his very own Dungeons and Dragons actual play podcast titled "Where the Wild Things Roll." This is his first adventure in hosting his own podcast.
What sets "Where the Wild Things Roll" apart from the many other podcasts out there is that Jon is playing the wonderful game of DnD with his two children; Kinnick, his 12 year old son, and Kayleigh, his 10 year old daughter. Jon guides them through his own home brew setting, Ryvarna as the Dungeon Master while also teaching them how to play the game. The game is run on the 5E rules set.
Kinnick plays as Finner Walterstone, a Dragonborn wizard and Kayleigh plays as Moonlight, an Elf druid. Both are students at an adventuring guild's academy where they are testing to see just how ready they are to become full fledged adventurers; sort of like a cooler version of Hogwarts with less books and more steel on steel. They are summoned by their dwarvern guildmaster, whose name escapes me at this moment, and are told they will be aiding with a goblin problem in a nearby town to test if they are truly ready to adventure.
From what I've gleaned from the first episode, Ryvarna seems to be a standard fantasy setting in terms of Dnd, which there is nothing wrong with. With everyone trying to make a setting crazier and more different than the last, Ryvarna is a nice home for our young adventurers. I can say that we haven't learned a whole heck of a lot about Ryvarna at this moment considering I just came off the back of episode one, but boy is this setting special.
In episode one, the two fledgling adventurers stop at an orange shop named 'Gnome Depot,' get up to all kinds of crazy antics, and there is a reference to a farmer named McDonald and golden arches. I found myself laughing and saying "NOooooooooooooooo he didn't" plenty of times. I really don't want to spoil what happens, so I'll leave that for you to listen to it.

The Good
What I really love about 'Where the Wild Things Roll' is that I can tell Jon's kids are excited to play and really want to play Dnd. I did NOT pick up on any vibe that Kinnick and Kayleigh do not wish to be there or are there because 'dad made them.' These kids are rearing to play, and seem to be thrilled at the idea of a bunch of old grognards like myself listening to them play Dnd with their old man. #FamilyGoals.

Jon does a great job of reigning in the players when they start to veer off course. The amount of times he had to tell Kayleigh "you don't want to smite this person," was hilarious, but hey she's a kid! He just needs to be careful because she might just be a little murder-hobo in the making.
He also made sure not to give into their anachronisms they were spitting out like "Dr. Strange" as a kid would trying to make sense of sorcerer making a portal. And with this, even in the course of the first session, the kids started to catch on that their characters can't bring stuff up from our world.
Despite keeping the players in check, Jon does remember that Dnd is about having fun, and he tries to interject that sense of fun and youthfulness with things like the Gnome Depot or McDonald and his lost golden arches. The kids have great senses of imagination, and you can tell that Jon as a father curates and supports his children's imaginations and creativity. They're bright and fun! And that is what makes 'Where the Wild Things' truly special. You can feel the family, and the fun and imaginative parts of Dnd really shine through in this game.

The Bad
For as great as it is, 'Where the Wild Things Roll' does have some minor faults. The audio isn't always as crisp as I would personally like it, but the big one that stood out to me was what in the 9 Hells of Baator are they rolling on? Make sure you don't have the volume too loud because the table they're rolling on is picked up as this tinny and harsh sound that was not all too pleasant to hear. That is only my major gripe.
The only other thing is I felt sometimes the editing cut to the next part of speaking too soon. This was mainly in the beginning and the very end. I personally felt having a little pause would've been effective in letting all the information I was being fed sink in.
Both these issues are not detrimental to the enjoyment of the podcast, and with more experience with recording and audio editing, these issues will be solved rather quick I can imagine.
The Final Verdict
'Where the Wild Things Roll' will warm your heart as you watch a family play DnD together. It is fun and whimsical which is great if you want to really pull from that imaginative side of DnD. If you are looking for a way to learn how to play Dungeons and Dragons with younger players, this is the podcast for you to follow. It is enjoyable, but by watching Jon run the game, it can really show you what to include in your game, how to remain in a little control from chaotic children but give them enough freedom, and how to support the good parts of their imagination for the game.
I found myself laughing out loud at many parts, smiling, and just overall enjoying myself listening to the game. It made me remember all the whacky things I came up with as a kid for my games. I hope it maintains the light-hearted tone it has as it serves as a beacon of light in all these games of SUPER SERIOUS and dark tones. I like that stuff, but this game is just a good time. With the first episode at about an hour, it is the perfect amount of time for a commute, break, or just for good listening.
Kobold Stew proudly and happily gives "Where the Wild Things Roll" the SEAL OF APPROVAL! I look forward to episode 2 and highly HIGHLY recommend it. It can only get better from here.

Jon, if you are reading this... you better put a giant crab in at some point. or else... I will RIOT! (You have to listen to really understand) "Where the Wild Things Roll" can be found on, but it will also eventually be available for you on all platforms that offer podcasts. For updates on Episodes and what not, just follow Jon on Twitter @Jon_thedm .
I hope you enjoy it!
Until next time...
Happy Gaming,
Mr. Puddins!
PS: If you have something you would like me to review, let me know! I'll gladly review it.
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