An obligatory introductory post. You find yourself in the Drunken Ogre Tavern in the village of Acorn...
Hello all! I am Alex, but you might better know me as Mr. Puddins. I have been playing Dungeons and Dragons for a long time, and I greatly enjoy the hobby of Table Top Roleplaying games. My journey and fascination with DnD began long ago during the days of 2nd ADnD, playing games with my father and uncle. My first character was a half-elf ranger who came to have a pet squirrel. Since then I have played through all the editions up to and including 5E.
I have come into my own, and since have become mainly a Dungeon Master for my groups. I spend a lot of my free time planning, reading about, and immersing myself in the hobby, and this immersion in the hobby has led me to have a desire to embark on a new adventure... Writing about it!
I know many others before me have done it, but I hope to add my two copper pieces and hopefully bring something new, bright, and enjoyable to you and the RPG community as a whole. As a DM, I tend to have a focus on narrative, characters, lore, and world building. With "Of Dice and Dragons," I hope to bring you a variety of posts and articles in regards to Dungeons and Dragons. Topics will range from mechanics, running the game, playing the game, character builds, lore, world building, game ideas, and so much more to do with the game.
I hope owl you guys can bear (see what I did there? I'm funny I swear) with me as I am new to this whole blogging and web design thing. I hope to own the domain name eventually, but things may look a little barren as I add more posts and more features to the "Kobold Stew" site.
Please do forgive some parts of "Kobold Stew" that may be unfinished or unpolished. This is my first rodeo after all. If you are viewing through mobile, I'm sorry. I'm more of a desktop guy myself, and I ask you check it out on desktop. It looks prettier. Other than that, I hope to have your attention. I have a lot of fun stuff planned. I hope to show you fun stuff I or others make for their games for you to snag and use yourself or be inspired by, to explore running or playing the game, discuss different topics, and even give you a glimpse of my world building and lore crafting.
Before I go, I'm sure someone will wonder, "Why 'Kobold Stew?'" Well... I wanted to title it "Of Dice and Dragons" after one of my favorite books, but that was taken. I just always found kobolds to be rather hilarious. Always loved them, and I've had characters try and cook them before, so you know... If you have any other questions for me, feel free to DM me on Twitter or use the "Contact" tab. I'll try my best to get back to you. I look forward to writing more about DnD for you guys!